“The Teacher is here and is calling for you.” John 11.28 ESV
Martha went out to meet Jesus.
Lazarus had been in the tomb four days.
If you read the dialogue in John 11, you get a sense that Martha can’t help herself from scolding Jesus. She backpedals a little by throwing out conciliations that even in these circumstances, she knows that Jesus will receive from the Father whatever He asks for. I think it’s a pretty cut-and-dried attempt at manipulation, honestly. And none of us are innocent.
Mary stayed back, though.
She didn’t come out to meet Jesus.
Martha came to her and spoke the words of the passage we’re focused on today. Based on the reaction of those who saw her leave the house, I think Mary had been overcome with grief and disillusionment for a while now. In Hebrew culture, three days in the tomb was like a seal, a confirmation of death. Until the third day, they would hold on to hope. But this was day four.
The family was a wreck, I think. Breaking apart at the seams. Hopeless. Today when a believer dies there is hope, even joy. Knowing who we know, believing who we believe, there is little cause for wailing at the grave. Back then, although Jesus had spoken nothing but the truth to them, it was so radical that few really understood Him even if they did believe.
There are times in the walk with Jesus when it’s all we can do to keep breathing. There is no going out or coming in. Even if, like Mary, our love is as intense and pure as it can be, circumstance roots us to the ground. We are overwhelmed easily.
But then the call comes, and suddenly we find strength rising in every thread of our fabric. If we can do anything at all, we can go to Jesus. Purpose and passion unite to produce movement. When we hear Jesus calling, it doesn’t matter how heavy a weight circumstance has pounded us down with. One word from Him and we’re able.
Never give up. Keep waiting. God always shows up.