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  • Writer's pictureChris White

Introducing Firewatch

About the first of the year, Chris began writing down the insights God gave him in his morning quiet times. At first, he shared these on his personal page. Once it became clearer as a discipline Chris needed to engage long-term, he started to develop the idea a little further. How could he share it with a broader audience?

Chris was working on a blog draft that was a patchwork of thoughts, and the working title was Watcher's Notes, a riff on a line in a book by Verlyn Klinkenborg for writers about how we need to pay attention and notice the stuff others miss.

But that was a pretty terrible title for what God was evidently doing here. About the time Chris started writing this stuff down, God made it clear to him that WhiteNoise needed to step into the gap in the wall left by Covid in a lot of churches and do everything we can to resource the Church for in-person meetings in individual homes. The idea is for WhiteNoise to provide small group discipleship resources for families in the Church. We're starting small, but it will grow.

As Chris waited for God to make things clearer, he remembered how, in the Marines, whenever the infantry operated in the field, a guard was posted throughout the night. The purpose of this guard was to sound the alert if the unit was attacked or if there was an emergency in the camp. This guard was called Firewatch.

Firewatch here at WhiteNoise is all about giving you what you need to be the Church. Encouragement for today, truth for your walk with Jesus, ways to worship in small settings, inspirations that will make disciples and help disciples reproduce.

Firewatch is a blog category on our website, it is a playlist on our YouTube channel, and it will grow. We're just getting started.

Firewatch is also intended to inspire the Church to pray for revival. We are watching and praying, we are waiting, and we will continue to pray until God renews His Church. We hope Firewatch gives you the tools you need to engage, calibrate, and take the next step with Jesus.

Whenever and wherever you see this logo across our channels, you'll know both our intent and the purpose of this content. Blessings and peace!

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