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  • Writer's pictureChris White

God, with God

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

“…and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” John 1.1-2 NKJV

Fellowship is a noun used to describe a group meeting to pursue a shared interest or common aim. Community is an expression of fellowship because of shared attitudes and goals, or even joint ownership and liability. These words don’t even begin to describe the triune God.

I believe that the fellowship of the trinity is perfect because God is perfect. Having been made in His image, we have been invited into this incomprehensible, unspeakably beautiful relationship, and the price of our admission has been covered in Christ, who is the way in.

If a word is an expression of the heart, Christ is the expression of the heart of God, who is love. Christ is love expressed, exemplified, made obvious. This expression of the motive of God was with God in the beginning—He was not created by God but is God and is with God from eternity to eternity.

But the statement God makes in John 1.2 goes further.

From the beginning, He was with God. That means He was on board, He had full knowledge of the plan and purpose of the trinity, the design for history founded upon the genius of God to work miraculous transformation in His people, made in His image, worshipers in spirit and in truth, carriers of light, not the righteous but sinners called to repentance, and He purposed to die for us before He became His own expression, “Let there be light.” This love expressed is the reason why His life could never be taken from Him, and it is the reason why His death, the ultimate sacrifice, can never be annulled or overruled. We have been bought back, and that work, the work of the Word, can never be undone.

Behold the Word of God, with God, in the beginning, complete and completely at peace with the work that will never fall because the Word of God is the expression and communication of God Himself to the creation, and He is faithful and true.

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