It could be said that there is no dependence that is not total. You cannot depend on something by half measures. It could also be said that dependence has nothing to do with us but everything to do with who it is focused on.
Church, it’s time we reckoned with our Source. Make no mistake: what’s required here and now isn’t a mere declaration but a demonstration of what we believe because faith without works is dead.
The gospel is preached with words but proved with lives. Maybe we have too many preachers and not enough practitioners.
Christopher Paul White shares these and other insights purchased at great cost from the vaults of life experience. Church hurt, family hurt, world hurt, you name it; the true test is holding fast to Jesus Christ and turning loose of all bitterness, regret, shame, and unmet expectation.
Walking with Jesus is an adventure, and it’s often not what we thought it was going to be. It is infinitely more awesome and terrible than we could ever imagine. That’s as it should be, for there can be no going back from here.