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  • Writer's pictureChris White

Creator God

Monday, March 22, 2021:

“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1.3 NKJV

It is imperative that we know what we believe and whom we believe in. Theology is the study of God, doctrine is the set of beliefs both held and taught by the Church, and we need to ensure both are calibrated finely every day if we’re to walk right.

I’m beginning this next phase of our Firewatch content—the Red Letter study—with this verse because it is foundational to the identity of Christ.

I believe that a lot of the Church doesn’t fully understand that Jesus Christ is Creator God. They simply say that God is Creator, and although they’re correct, the details matter. Jesus is fully God and fully man, and John 1.3 is one of the evidences of His divinity.

Think about it. Doesn’t it paint a much more intimate and invested picture of God when we see Him as Jesus—fully God and fully man—speaking all that was created into being? Doesn’t it render Him far more interested and available to us when we picture Him making man in His image from the dust of the earth, forming Adam’s body like a master potter, and literally breathing life into his nostrils? And doesn’t it speak volumes about scriptures like John 20.22, where Jesus breathed on the disciples as He gave the Holy Spirit to His Church?

Whatever was made was made through Christ.

Nothing was made without Him.

Christ is God. God is Christ. Creator, Sustainer, Word made flesh, Word spoken in creation and still just as powerful now as He was then to hold everything together, because “in Him all things consist.

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